How to join a Longturn game games are starting a few times per year in roughly regular intervals, although there is no rule. They are announced well ahead and registrations are usually open roughly a month ahead. To play a game you need to do three things:

1. Install a Freeciv native client. This can be found in the Downloads section at Usually a game will be run on the newest version of server/client, but not always (for various reasons). Sometimes you may need to download and install an older version of the client. Older versions of Freeciv are also available on the Download page of Information about which Freeciv version is required for a particular LT game should be readily available on the game page (top right).

2. Register at

3. Sign up for the game when registrations are open AND confirm participation a few days before it actually starts. You need to do BOTH otherwise you will not be able to play the game. This is a measure to reduce the amount of idlers as much as possible.

4. Once the game has started:
* start the client
* click "Connect to network game"
* host:
* port: whatever is announced in the game announcement; usually it is 50xx where "xx" is usually the LTxx number from the game designation; for example, if the game is LT61, the port should be 5061
* Login and password: whatever you signed up at with.

Freeciv Web Game 41: The Yugoslav Micaenean reenactment

This is the final report of the Freeciv Web Game 41 that I have played during the past four months. It was one of the most fun games I ...