
Suomipeli started

Here you will be seeing blogging for a new Finnish Freeciv game (Suomipeli2023 at Longturn.net) and the only major public one since 2011-2012 when the last one ended. I'm playing it as East Germany and we have a nice 16 player game with a map that has 70% water and 30% land. It's a fantasy word with 3 continents and several islands. No one has seen the full map. We have a script for telling the continent and island sizes. That's used for picking a good map. With these settings we should have 8 players on the biggest continent and 4 on the 2nd and 3rd biggest ones. The rest of the islands are most likely unpopulated and for the players to find.

We play the game with 23h turns with the first turn having extra 23h so that the players have time to figure out what to do. with the land and units they have. Everyone has 5 settlers, 6 workers and 2 explorers. 

 7231 tiles forming 44 landmasses on map:
 1 46.1% 3330
 2 23.7% 1715
 3 23.6% 1703
 4  2.5% 182
 5  0.6% 47
 6  0.6% 44
 7  0.5% 39
 8  0.4% 32
 9  0.3% 19
10  0.2% 13
11  0.2% 11

The game is played at  Longturn.net and it looks like 14 players are from Finland and 2 from other parts of Europe. 

I'm planning to blog about how this game will be played and what I will be doing as virtual East Germany on Freeciv.

Here you can see what East Germany has. Terrain is quite rough and we have someone next to us. Or next to me. The royal us sounds slightly funny even while playing as a country.


The identity of the other player is hidden. Next thing to do is moving the explorers and figuring out where to build the capital city.



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